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Managed by Wycombe Multicultural Organisation
Staying Covid-19 Secure in 2022
Our top priority is the health and safety of our hall users, visitors and staff. Therefore we are following the government guidance:
COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities
Staying Covid-19 Secure in 2021
We will be offering you a very warm welcome as always, but we have put some new measures in place to ensure you can enjoy visit safely. Therefore PLEASE follow the guidance below:
1. You must not enter Hilltop Community Centre if you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms.
2. You must wear a face covering at all times whilst on the premises. This is for your safety and the safety of other visitors and staff. The Government has produced guidance on when to wear a face covering and how to make your own. Children under the age of 11 and those who have health, age, equality or disability reasons may be exempt from wearing face coverings.
3. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms within 7 days of visiting these premises alert NHS Track and Trace. Alert the hall Booking Officer on 07837 664792 and alert the organiser of the activity you attended.
4. Maintain 2 metres social distancing as far as possible. Keep a safe distance from others as you go through the entrance hall to your activity, during your activity and when leaving the premises.
5. Use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the premises. Clean your hands often. Soap and paper towels are provided.
6. Avoid touching your face, nose, or eyes. Clean your hands if you do.
7. “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it”. Tissues should be disposed of into one of the rubbish bags provided. Then wash or sanitise your hands.
8. Check the organisers of your activity have cleaned door handles, tables, other equipment, and surfaces in your hall before you arrived. Keep them clean. We do our best to clean all surfaces at the Centre between each hire.
9. Take turns to use confined spaces such as the corridor, kitchen and toilet areas. Standing or sitting next to someone is lower risk than opposite them. Briefly passing another person in a confined space is low risk.
10. Keep the hall well ventilated. Close doors and windows on leaving.
11.Wash your clothes when you get home to reduce risk of transmission.
Following Government guidance, we have enhanced cleaning regimes throughout the Centre. This will include (but is not limited to):
Cleaning is more frequent and stringent. We clean between each hire and mid-point clean in communal areas for longer hires.
Disinfectant wipes are located in each room so you can frequently clean areas that are touched by your visitors during your hire. We do recommended the hirer brings their own cleaning supplies as an extra precaution.
We are paying particular attention to frequently touched points such as door handles, push plates, light switches, handrails etc.
Hand sanitiser dispensers are located throughout the Centre and you will find one in each room and at the main entrance/exit.
Signage around the Centre to remind visitors to social distance, and how to protect themselves and others from Covid-19.
Floor markers to help visitors keep social distancing whilst on the premises.
Please ensure you follow Government guidelines to keep yourself, your group and others safe.